
Wednesday, March 27

"This is the story of a girl, who cried a river and drowned the whole world."

Hey guys!

I feel like I should take this post and refect on the horribly, hilarious things that happened this past year. I have a lot of time and stories so it might take a while to read, but enjoy! Uhm, if you happen to be a guy reading this, just stop or skip #1. You could also find a more manly blog and read that one 'cause this one is gonna get intense!

1. The Bra Story

School was a week away and just like any other year I had put off going clothes shopping, mostly because I was broke, but also because I was not looking forward to it. Well I figured I could get socks and a bra at walmart. Notice how I said "bra," and not "bras." I found my favorite socks, no biggie so I head straight to that one part of Walmart and low and behold I find my size, which was shocking because they're always sold out!! I had my own cart, so I grabbed like 7 to try on. I get over to the dressing rooms and the lady is on the phone, so I smile at her to seem polite and patient, then she mouths to me, "how many?" Being in a fantastic mood I hold up my cherished treasures and my other hand signals that I have five. Out of the corner of my eye I see one of the most popular (might I add suuuuper hot?!) guys at my school walking towards me, looking at me (more specifically my bras..) with disgust. My jaw and hands dropped instantly! I could feel the blood rushing to my face and getting hot. Did that really just happen?! Yup. He passed right by me and kept eye contact the whole time! By then the lady had hung up the phone and was giggling at me, and I felt like crawling in a hole and hibernating forever. Everytime I see popular guy, he just smiles and walks away. Its like our little huge secret.

2. A Minnesota Gas Station

Recently I went to New York because my grandpa passed away, we stayed for two weeks and then decided to head home. Well, going from Montana to New York straight through was a 40 hour drive, with no showers and too many bathroom breaks. On the way back, Dad decided that we weren't stopping to stay the night until we hit North Dakota (Why we just didn't stay in like Wisconsin or something, I don't know.) We had made most of the journey when we stopped at a gas station in Minnesota at about 10 a.m. I had to go to the bathroom, and so did my siblings so I begrudgingly took them in. No makeup, no shower for a day and a half, and my hair looked bleh. Overall I didn't look appealing. I opened the door and there must have been about 20 plus guys standing there waiting to pay for their stuff. They were all buff and really tan,and I couldn'f figure out why so I peeked out the window on the way to the bathroom and there was a bus that said "blah blah blah WRESTLING TEAM.." I don't think I smelled any worse then they might have after a meet, but still embarassing. Oh good gold glitter..I always have the worst luck in front of guys.

3. Prom Punch

It was the night of prom, grand march had just ended. For those of you who don't know, grand march is where the dj announces all the couples names and then you walk in front or sometimes through the crowd and have tons of pictures taken. You almost feel like you're famous because by the end of it, all the flashes from cameras have you blind. Anyways, King and Queen were crowned and my date's mom wanted one more picture of us before she had to leave. I was talking to my own parents when I found out, so I walked towards her, and this kid turns around and spills green, frothy punch down my white dress.

Me in my dress before green gunk got spilled all over it. Luckily, It came out after I had it dry cleaned, but it was totally awesome smelling like lime jello and looking like somebody barfed all over me the entire night.

4. Meatball Madness
As some of you may know, I have a that involves canned, prepackaged, and frozen food. Yum! (i'm totally not being serious in case you didn't know that either.) Well, it was closing time and we had ran out of meatballs in the kitchen so I went in the back to get more to restock for the next day. After searching the walk-in freezer (26 degrees) for a good 5 minutes I finally found them. Not in the walk-in freezer, but in one of the other standup ones. I didn't think twice when I saw that one of the bags was opened because I honestly got so excited about finding the meatballs! I sprinted into the kitchen with a bag of meatballs in each hand. I proudly held them up over my head like American flags, signifying that I was free from suffering the cold of the walk-in freezer! My brain must've forgotten that my coworker had just mopped the floor and as I turned the corner I slipped...
I threw the bags to help support myself and I fell, of course, and landed on my butt, but I had just enough time to look up. Meatballs were coming out of the bag, raining down on me and the clean floor. They pelted the floor with thumps, most of them crumbling or breaking in half. Guess who had hands that smelled like meat after work? This girl.

This is NOT how my face looked when I had to clean all those things up AND remop the floor...

I have more funny stories, but i'm a little short on time so i'll post um' later! Maybe on a rainy day (:

Tuesday, March 26

What am I supposed to be doing? Not this.

Hey guys!

I just remembered that I have a blog...and I've really neglected it these past few months! Working on the new blog is tough because I want people to try and see it through my eyes, but my comparisons to certain objects and other things is horrible. They're literally like a multiple choice analogy where I pick the stupidest one. An example:

Whale is to ocean as cat is to:
a) house
b) casket
c) book
d) all of the above

Obviously the correct answer is A, but I pick D. Mostly because cats are mysterious creatures who plot humans deaths (caskets) while living with the a house, which is where books can be found. Haha (: I've been reading the Oatmeal lately..thus my failing humor.

So, back to remembering this..I remembered I had this blog 'cause i'm totally slacking off in mythology. I'm supposed to be writing this long ass paper about archetypes but they say the older you are the wiser you are. So, technically by sitting here i'm becoming older, therefore wiser, and writing the paper later would be much easier than least I hope so :3

Instead of writing a long paper about crap i'll never remember in 6 months, i'm:
jamming out to youtube (The server at school loves me today!! Pop goes Punk all the way (:  )
Sparknoting the Iliad (I never really read the last part and let's be serious, I don't think I ever could considering none of these stories are true) and reading the Oatmeal cause it's super awesome! Thanks West for showing me another site to procrastinate on, you brought that on yourself!

Welp kiddos. Time to leave this retched hellhole and head home.
Peace and Love <3