
Thursday, April 18

Just Piles and Piles of Clothing...

Hey guys!

Today I want to bring up the subject of senior pictures. Yes, you read that right, senior pictures. For those of you who don't know what those are, they're pictures. (well duh.) But anyways, you have them taken before your senior year so you can send out invites to the big day and have your face plastered everywhere, and I mean everywhere. In the school hallway, at your graduation party, above the fireplace in your house, and even hundreds of miles away on your friends' refidgerators. Did you know you can get life sized cardboard cutouts, napkins, plates, balloons, M&M's and stuff like that with your picture on it? Which would be weird (for me anyways) because I'd be at my party right, but there would be too much of would literally be like cloning myself and forcing everyone to look at me/my picture. I can just imagine my brother saying this: "Look Sam, I'm eating you! Does it make me a cannibal?" (*shudders*)

Back to the topic, you might be wondering why I'm thinking of senior pictures now when i'm still a junior for 5 more weeks. Well, unlike most kids my age I like to be prepared, I hate doing stuff at the last moment, and I would also like to save some money. Most photographers mark up their prices for sitting fees after fall, and then charge you out the butt for proofs too. So i'm trying to get some cute outfits together for my pictures without spending a whole bunch of money on that too. THANK GOODNESS FOR SALES!

If anybody knows a good way to save money, share it in the comments below!

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