
Monday, September 24

"One time, she punched me in the face. It was AWESOME."

Happy Friday!

It's Friday, Friday..gotta get down on Friday! Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend! Oh sorry, It's just that it's Friday and i'm wondering if Rebecca Black was in high school with Regina George if she'd be a plastic. Probably not.

"Oh my god Rebecca you can't repeat Friday TWENTY-SEVEN times!"
So today Mean Girls is the topic of my blog and I had the idea to write a review for this movie ever since school started. Why?, because high school these days is hard. Think about it...the homework, the cliques, the friend that hates your other friend so you can't say anything, and most of all, the pressure to fit in. Don't get me wrong, high school can be fun, but only if you make it and have some awesome friends like I do! 

Mean Girls is a movie that was released in 2004 and stars Rachel McAdams, Lacey Chabert, Amanda Seyfried, and Lindsey Lohan before she turned into a cracked-out, loony-bin. Lohan plays Cady (pronounced Katie), a home schooled girl who moves to the States and finally goes to high school. While in school she meets Janis Ian, (played by the amazing Lizzy Caplin!) and Damian (Daniel Franzese) who befriend her and show her around. Soon Cady is invited to sit with the Plastics (a group of popular girls who resemble Barbies, thus the name the Plastics) at lunch. The Plastics are made up of Regina George (McAdams), Gretchen Wieners (Chabert), and Karen Smith (Seyfried). Cady does sit with them which sparks a year-long scheme made by Janis to crack Regina down! 

Janis: And evil takes a human form in Regina George. Don't be fooled because she may seem like your typical selfish, back-stabbing slut faced ho-bag, but in reality, she's so much more than that. 

Janis and Regina used to be friends until Regina went and spread a bunch of rumors about Janis being apart of the rainbow..

"Cady: Hey! 
Regina: Why were you talking to Janis Ian? 
Cady: I don't know, I mean, she's so weird, she just, you know, came up to me and started talking to me about crack. 
Regina: She's so pathetic. Let me tell you something about Janis Ian. We were best friends in middle school. I know, right? It's so embarrassing. I don't even... Whatever. So then in eighth grade, I started going out with my first boyfriend Kyle who was totally gorgeous but then he moved to Indiana, and Janis was like, weirdly jealous of him. Like, if I would blow her off to hang out with Kyle, she'd be like, "Why didn't you call me back?" And I'd be like, "Why are you so obsessed with me?" So then, for my birthday party, which was an all-girls pool party, I was like, "Janis, I can't invite you, because I think you're lesbian." I mean I couldn't have a lesbian at my party. There were gonna be girls there in their *bathing suits*. I mean, right? She was a L******. So then her mom called my mom and started yelling at her, it was so retarded. And then she dropped out of school because no one would talk to her, and she came back in the fall for high school, all of her hair was cut off and she was totally weird, and now I guess she's on crack."

^^ Courtesy of

And now Janis wants revenge and plans to use Cady to become popular to hear all of the Plastics' secrets. The Plastics have secrets and write down stuff about people in this "burn book," which talks trash about the whole school. Cady eventually ditches Janis and Damien for her new life which backfires when Regina makes copies of the burn book's pages and spreads them around the school. This makes Cady look like a total *insert female dog name here* and everybody hates her. In the end, the girls become friends again and get along.

Mean Girls is your average teen movie. It has some pretty good laughs and truths behind it. It doesn't paint a perfect picture, but I get it, you can't make a movie two hours long and have everything perfect. It just doesn't work that way. The characters are all well-casted (except for Lohan..I really hate her..) This movie isn't for little kids, the word $@#! pops up numerous times along with *bleep and *bleep. I really liked how true the movie was to high school, but not everything was right. Now I must say, in school, if you talk trash about someone, sure people get mad and hate you for like a day, and then pretend to like you and/or forgive you. In Mean Girls, this isn't the case. Also, cliques here don't dress alike and have certain days where they wear a certain thing. Well, I take that back, some do, but that's only because they like to be in control. All in all i'm giving this movie an eight out of ten.

Friday, September 21

friday night..and no review.

hey guys. today I wasn't in school because I had a really really bad migraine :( I don't have access to a computer so on Monday the mean girls review will be up! sorry for any let downs!

<3 Samantha.

Wednesday, September 19

This Is So Fetch!

Happy Wednesday!

Today is a lazy day for me because yesterday I went to a college fair and all that thinking about where I want to go to college and what I want to do when I graduate, fried my brain just a tad bit! Did you know the average four-year college costs have gone up 15%? (USA Today) and school stresses me out. So bear with me if I start rambling on about random topics. As I said last week in the Cast Away post, I wil be doing a post about the movie Mean Girls (2004). If you're a guy you might be thinking, "Why a chick flick?!" but if you're a girl you might be thinking "Err meh gerd I LOVE Mean Girls!" The reason behind this future post is because I want to uncover the facts and myths about how high school is portrayed in this movie. Sure you have your cliques, but not all of us actually call each other vulgar names. I can't wait for Friday because this post is going to be SO FETCH!

Monday, September 17

Chances are if you read my title, you might have an idea as to what movie I’m going to review today. If you guessed Cast Away, you’re right!! If not, well maybe you’ve been stranded on an island without movies for too long. Below is the trailer and the general overview of the movie, courtesy of and

A FedEx executive must transform himself physically and emotionally to survive a crash landing on a deserted island.”

Now I don't know about you guys, but I totally thought this movie was awesome! Sure, it had its flaws,(Click here to see the flaws from Cast Away) and came out 12 years ago, but once again Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks totally got it right. Don’t get me wrong, I love Tom Hanks, but watching him struggle while living alone for about two hours sort of got repetitive, but alas! Tom Hanks finally gets saved after trying to leave the island and having nobody to talk to for a few years besides a volleyball named, “Wilson.” Hey, if you were on an island for four years I bet you'd talk to a stationary object too! In the end Chuck (Hanks)  is saved and returns to his girlfriend Kelly (Hunt). However, Kelly has since moved on with her life because she thought Chuck was dead. She gives him the keys to his car, and they both part seperate ways. (insert sappy sigh here..)I really liked how the movie was set up and how well Tom Hanks portrayed being alone. I didn't like how time obsessed Chuck (Hanks) was, cause it kind of made him come off as a jack-wagon. I guess it was an important part of the movie because they kept reiterating "time is everything." I'm giving this movie eight out of ten stars. It's not getting a ten just because of all the flaws. Also, does anybody know if the Elvis theme means anything in this movie? I caught on to that right away...hmmm. I'll have to check. Stick around for this week's movie, Mean Girls! Until then, avoir! 

Saturday, September 8

Toilet Paper?

Bonjour! As I am writing this, I have just realized something very important I should share with all you viewers/bloggers (fans maybe?). I can't review the latest and greatest movie releases like I wanted to originally. *insert sad face here* Well I can, but the nearest movie theatre is 41 miles away and in a different time zone so it's kind of a hassle. (it's the same with Walmart, more on that later...) I know what you might be thinking, "Well then, why are you doing a blog about movies?!" Correction, this blog isn't going to be ALL about movies. I plan on posting other things too, like how I love TV shows that are medical related and my so-called "life."

Okay, so up there I was talking about how the nearest Walmart is 41 miles away, and the nearest mall is 2 hours and 41 minutes away. You may be asking yourself, "How do you live and what about groceries?" I live in a town of less than 1,000 people, we have two gas stations, four restaurants/bars, one pharmacy and one grocery store. It's a nice little town but the grocery store is small and quite expensive.  But hey, if you are willing to spend $10 for a box of sandwich baggies and $8 for a small box of cereal, be my guest! My family has six people, so we do have to plan when we're going to Walmart and how much groceries we need to buy (think toilet paper, shampoo, bread, eggs, etc.)
If toilet paper world is real, they should put one in Williston..

I have ran out of things to write about for now because the walmart topic got me sidetracked. (uh-oh!)  So ta-ta my fellow page viewers! (:

Thursday, September 6

My Life in a Nutshell..

Because we all need a break once in a while..
Hey guys, my name is Samantha Lee Fell and welcome to my blog page! I am a seventeen year-old who can now watch rated R movies without her parents, which will come in handy with my blog, which will be about movies, crafts and  living a hectic life. The reason why I’m doing a blog is because I’m taking this English class called, “internet writing,” and our assignment is to make and have a blog. Well I love movies and crafts a lot, so I figured I’d do my blog about both! When I’m not watching movies and eating popcorn smothered in butter, I pintrest A LOT, have a part time job and go to high school. (note: high school is and is not like how they are portrayed in movies..) I am one of those girls that stand on the sidelines of basketball games, smiling, clapping my hands while yelling and trying to prove that cheerleading is a sport. Besides doing the whole cheerleading thing, I am on the speech and debate team (my timer’s set to 10:01 and I’ll be counting down…) and love, love, love to belt out my awesome soprano voice in my high school choir! Anyways, back to the whole blog scheme, I plan on posting reviews every Friday and other things sometimes in-between if I have time. If you have movie ideas, or just any other thing I should write about, lemme know! I <3 feedback!