
Monday, September 17

Chances are if you read my title, you might have an idea as to what movie I’m going to review today. If you guessed Cast Away, you’re right!! If not, well maybe you’ve been stranded on an island without movies for too long. Below is the trailer and the general overview of the movie, courtesy of and

A FedEx executive must transform himself physically and emotionally to survive a crash landing on a deserted island.”

Now I don't know about you guys, but I totally thought this movie was awesome! Sure, it had its flaws,(Click here to see the flaws from Cast Away) and came out 12 years ago, but once again Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks totally got it right. Don’t get me wrong, I love Tom Hanks, but watching him struggle while living alone for about two hours sort of got repetitive, but alas! Tom Hanks finally gets saved after trying to leave the island and having nobody to talk to for a few years besides a volleyball named, “Wilson.” Hey, if you were on an island for four years I bet you'd talk to a stationary object too! In the end Chuck (Hanks)  is saved and returns to his girlfriend Kelly (Hunt). However, Kelly has since moved on with her life because she thought Chuck was dead. She gives him the keys to his car, and they both part seperate ways. (insert sappy sigh here..)I really liked how the movie was set up and how well Tom Hanks portrayed being alone. I didn't like how time obsessed Chuck (Hanks) was, cause it kind of made him come off as a jack-wagon. I guess it was an important part of the movie because they kept reiterating "time is everything." I'm giving this movie eight out of ten stars. It's not getting a ten just because of all the flaws. Also, does anybody know if the Elvis theme means anything in this movie? I caught on to that right away...hmmm. I'll have to check. Stick around for this week's movie, Mean Girls! Until then, avoir! 

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