
Wednesday, September 19

This Is So Fetch!

Happy Wednesday!

Today is a lazy day for me because yesterday I went to a college fair and all that thinking about where I want to go to college and what I want to do when I graduate, fried my brain just a tad bit! Did you know the average four-year college costs have gone up 15%? (USA Today) and school stresses me out. So bear with me if I start rambling on about random topics. As I said last week in the Cast Away post, I wil be doing a post about the movie Mean Girls (2004). If you're a guy you might be thinking, "Why a chick flick?!" but if you're a girl you might be thinking "Err meh gerd I LOVE Mean Girls!" The reason behind this future post is because I want to uncover the facts and myths about how high school is portrayed in this movie. Sure you have your cliques, but not all of us actually call each other vulgar names. I can't wait for Friday because this post is going to be SO FETCH!

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