
Monday, October 29

Weddings..Love Them, or Hate Them?!

Happy Day bloggers! Sorry I haven't been on here much, it's just that 2 weekends ago I went to a wedding and many of you probably know that weddings are like a week-long party. (Okay, maybe that's only in North Dakota..) Anyways, it was the first family-related wedding i've been to in, hmmmm, eight years? The last one was my dad's, which ended horribly (that's another story..) and this one was my cousin's wedding and twas a grand event! There was cake, dancing, and  moments where people got up and said a toast, but really it was more like a embarassing speech that made everyone laugh and remember to take another cupcake off the tray... :P

I don't know what I want in my wedding, all I know is it's going to be a really, really big wedding. I have too much family to have a small wedding. So yeah, that's pretty much it for now.

This week i'm going to try and write about cheer, so stay tuned!

English is Frustrating..

My frustration with the english language is enormous! It's presumed as the hardest language to learn, and to be honest, I don't doubt that. There's pronounciations, spelling, grammar, homophones and other various things that just make English hard to learn. Our language is derived from our ancestors and when you think about it, America is a mixing pot of cultures. Now add language into the mix and voila! The English language. We took words from every culture and, or, nation and made them our own. We have so many rules for words, like "i before e, except after c." This rule doesn't apply to the word weird, which is weird and so messed up. Add slang, "Yo dawg, wazz up?" and you have people running around like chickens witht their heads cut off. Who calls their friends "dogs," and asks "what's up?" in a non-literal sense? Oh, that's right...we Americans do. Ask somebody who isn't a native to this country the same question and you'll get an innocent reply like this, "I'm not a dog, and and the sky is up." (This actually happened to me..) Now, that person may be thinking, "How odd, don't they know any better?" We do, but we just say words to make a sentence shorter and it's called being lazy. We do it when we text, when we email and sometimes people even write like this: "lyk OMG did u see hr eyes? WAJ! She lookz lyk a rakoon!"*
*Words have been changed for added effect. If you can read that, WOW. Leave the original spelling in a comment and you'll get a shoutout in my next post!

With that being said I don't know how people can win a Scripps National Spelling Bee, because there are so many huge words of different origins. (If you're reading this and you've won a spelling bee before, you know what im talking about..) You have to be so focused and dedicated and not to mention, look good in a white polo shirt. (HARD!) When I was younger I won a few spelling bees (3rd grade through 8th grade) and went on to the county spelling bee where I was beat out every year by an older kid or the home-schooled kid. The home-schooled kid was a different duck, but very nice and eventually went on to be in the Scripps National Spelling Bee. He didn't last long because he wasn't used to being in front of that many people and just shut down. The kid was a sweaty, stuttering mess! I know some people get like that, heck I still get nervous before cheering sometimes, but i smile and do it anyways! I guess you just have to take it one step at a time and not concentrate on the mess-ups but instead concentrate on the things you're doing right. Haters should be your motivators and I have no clue where I am going with this post so I'm just going to stop and save you some time. Like I said before, decode the *txt msg* and leave it in a comment and you might just get a shoutout in my next post.!

Later Alligators (:

Sunday, October 21


as I am typing this I am almost home! I haven't slept in my own bed since Tuesday and boy do I miss it! I didn't have school Thursday or Friday so that's why there wasn't a post this week.. (sorry!) I hope you all had a great weekend (I know I did, more to come later!) and that you've been telling all your friends about me (:

fairwinds young chaps! (:

^tawni that's for you!

Thursday, October 11

Harry Potter=Happiness

it's monday...But never fear, The Random Butter is here! As i'm sitting in school on Pintrest, I came across a "You know your a Harry Potter fan when.." pin and ERMAHGERD, the light bulb in my head turned on! I will make this post about all things Harry Potter (: call me loonier than Luna Lovegood for trying to explain how much I love Harry Potter in one post, but I am going to do this.

You mutter nonsense Latin words under your breath.

You've created more than one Pottermore account because you didn't get into the house you wanted.. (add me on Pottermore! QueenPurple7407)

You call your least favorite teacher Snape.

You actually ask for a broom for Christmas.

You mutter "lumos" under your breath every time you turn on a flashlight.

You sort everyone you meet into the four Hogwarts houses (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin).

You had to go to the hospital after you broke your nose running headfirst into the wall between platforms nine and ten.

The wand order mistake in GoF drove you crazy, and even after it was "corrected" you still came up with dozens of theories to explain why that happened.

You try on every piece of silvery fabric your mom has to see if you turn invisible.

Before getting up to get something, you always try to summon it first. Accio TV remote!

You watched "Love, Actually" because two minor Harry Potter actors were in it.

You refer to your Chemistry class as Potions.

You spend hours tapping bricks in special orders, hoping that a secret entrance to Diagon Alley will appear.

You think that J.K. Rowling is a squib who actually told a real story.

When playing chess, you yell orders to the chess players and get upset when they don't move.

You yell into the "fellytone."

You get emotional every time you hear "Hedwig's Theme".

You say "wicked" all the time because Rupert Grint does.

You started crying when you found they were going to make a HP amusment park  (i'm going next summer!!!!!)

You get thoroughly overexcited every time you see a word somewhere that is distantly linked with HP (ie. Saint Hedwig's).

You name all of your pets after HP characters.

You wished for a flying car

You get into heated arguments over how much gel Tom Felton had in his hair in the first two movies.

You know that Harry's birthday is July 31, 1980, Hermione's birthday is September 19, 1979 and Ron's birthday is March 1, 1980 even though it was never said in the books.

You refer to Voldemort as "You-Know-Who", and no one has any idea who you're talking about.

You wish pictures actually moved

You go to the zoo and try and speak Parseltongue to the snakes

You want to go see where the movie was taped

You think it'd be funny if Sirius' middle name was, "Lee".  (: hahaha

You are amazed when you find out that some colleges have a Quidditch team!

You actually ate the Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans (puke tastes like a cheeseburger FYI!)

You went out and bought the latest editition of the Webster's Dictionary because they added the word "Muggle".

You were kicked out of the movie theater for standing on your chair, throwing your shoe at the screen and yelling "THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN IN THE BOOK!"

You drop everything when a Harry Potter marathon comes on ABC Family and watch it, even if you've seen every movie 10 gajillion times.

You count the days until you're old enough for your Apparation license, and everyone else thinks you're talking about driving.

If you've done/want at least 5 of those things listed, you are definitly a HP fan!

Now, I don't know about you guys, but I bawled my eyes out in the last movie because I realized it was over. No more Dobby, no more Dumbledore, no more charming, magical tales of Harry Potter. ): *However, Harry Potter will forever live on in my life, and I hope when I have kids in 8-10 years that they'll read Harry Potter too like I did. (Blogger's note: I was 4 when Harry Potter came out and it was the first book I ever read)

Tuesday, October 9

Oh happy day..It's tuesday!

Only Tuesday?!?!

Okay so i'm 17 and I still watch Spongebob, sue me! Hehe (:  Recently i've noticed that kids shows just aren't the same as they used to be, they're getting raunchy and racy! Kinda upsets me knowing what ever happened to Hey Arnold!, Ahh! Real Monsters or even Gullah Gullah Island?! oh, that's right...Nickelodeon cut them. *weeping like a 2 year old* Teen Nick does do a thing at night where it's old Nickelodeon shows, like All That and Doug, but it's just not the same. Nickelodeon should make a channel with just old shows like Cartoon Network does! (Boomerang) I remember Nickelodeon GAS and it had all of the action/reality shows on it (Guts, Figure it Out..) and Mike O'Malley in his younger days..but that was some years ago. Comment below with your favorite show growing up and if you wish it would come back! Later guys!

Friday, October 5

I don't know what to call this so i'm just going to write a really long pointless title. Still reading the title? Jeez..I told you it was pointless but apparently you find pointless things interesting enough to keep should really stop now.

^^happy friday (:

So yesterday i was on Pintrest (like always!!) and came across this one lady's blog..I started reading and wow!! I am soo hooked! Click here to go to her page.., but she makes some pretty neat stuff so if your into that, check out her definitly won't be sorry! I also saw this leather looking jacket on Pintrest and I really want to buy it..
This is what it looks like, the pintrest link took me to, but low and behold, I can't find it! :(
If anybody could lemme know where I could find this jacket or a similar one, please let me know!! it's super awesome and reminds me of the Hunger Games, which is a whole new post entirely..

Thursday, October 4

No More Movies..

I feel as if the whole movie thing isn't working out..there just isn't enough time in the day to sit down and watch a movie and plus I can't be critical because I am a normally happy person. Don't believe me? Below is my schedule for TODAY...

  • Thursday
    • 6 a.m.- 8 a.m.--Wake up and get ready for school
    • 8:02 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.--Go to school, and sit through 5, 75 min. class periods...
    • 3:31 p.m.- 3:45 p.m.--go home and get ready for work and clock into work..
    • 3:50 p.m.- 9:30 p.m.--work. work. and WORK..
    • 9:35 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.-- come home, talk to mom about my day..
    • 10:00 p.m.- 12:00 a.m./1:00 a.m.--doing homework
    • and then my day starts all over again..
Fun huh?! Yeah now try adding speech and drama, plus cheer practice and keeping my grades up so I can cheer and compete. I almost have no time to myself. So the movie option is out the window and plus with the whole movie blog I could never really reach out and be like, "hey, I like her shoes /hair/makeup." because instead I had to be judgemental (which I can't be!) and I am now OFFICIALLY making this blog about fashion, hair, celebs, and my life in a nutshell! WOO-HOOOOO!!!

So I never really got to share my views about what I like so here is a list of things

1. I don't know where my life is going, all I know is that it's happening so fast
2. I don't like writing on paper, I like using a computer
3. When writing on paper I refuse to use a pencil and my teachers get upset.
4. I am obsessed with 90's music
5. I love Nickelback (hate now me now, thank me later)
Chad Kroeger..mmmmm <3
6. I have a fear of having bad breath and chapped lips..I always carry gum and green apple chapstick with me.
7. I also have a fear of needles, but I got my nose pierced and it didn't hurt, so i'm kinda thinking about getting a tattoo
8. My family tree is so messed up and big..
9. I love my cat..looooooove her more than anything (:
10. I used to hate GLEE. but then i watched the 1st season and I love it!
11. I have been told by a college professor that I sound like Lea Michele when I sing..
12. I really want a blue or pink chevy cavalier
Like this!!! So stinkin' cute!!! So totally me!! Ugh..I can wish though

13. I love makeup! 'Specially eyeshadow and eyeliner!
This is how my eyes look today..except this isn't actually me! I wish though because she has nice eyebrows..mine are just kinda like ew.
14. I have an obsession with reality shows (Honey Boo-Boo Child!!!!!, Breaking Amish, Teen Mom, Jersey Shore) but I never have time for tv..
I just think her family is so funny

15. My interests in a future career have ranged from a doctor to a zookeeper..
16. My whole room is done in Marilyn Monroe (:

I know, I know..i'm a pretty awesome person (; haha so I guess this post was mainly to tell you a little bit more about myself and to also establish that I can't watch movies and be critical so the topic is gonna change. Sorry if this upsets anyone, I just didn't want to do anything that wasn't fun, and I'm sure there are better and greater movie bloggers out there (in fact, I know there is!)

What i'm listening to: Wonderwall
Quote of Today: "If what you've done is stupid but it works, then it really isn't that stupid at all." -David Letterman

I love y'all <3 byeeee

Wednesday, October 3

That's the way we get a hicktown

Ugh. I hate blogging. So far nobody has commented on any of my posts. LIKE REALLY?! I feel like I’m going to die if I don’t get attention. I know that sounds really needy, but I also feel like if I don’t get viewers now, that when, and if, I were to switch my blog topic I would have to build up my rep again. I originally wanted to do this blog on fashion (think Vogue..) and hair styles, but it wasn’t really a go because I live in Montana and I don’t see a whole lot of people wearing Dior or Louboutins. The majority of people around here own at least 2 pairs of any kind of boot, rock huge belt buckles, and most ride horses. Hey, you call it hick, we just call it pride and hard work.
Here are some $595.00 Dior sunglasses..
 and $2295.00 Louboutin boots..I just cried a little at how lovely they look!

I wish I could visit California, or live in France. I love the art, and fashion and plus California makes movies and France has good food, or so I’ve been told by my aunt who lived there for years.  J'ai pris une année de français, (I took a year of French class) so that’s why I’d go to France/Europe. Welp, class is almost over so I must end this post for now. Ciao, a demain, bye!

Tuesday, October 2

Movie Sequels? No or Yes?

Do you ever watch a movie and at the end of the movie you think to yourself, “They have to make a sequel, they just have to!” I know I do and lately I’ve been doing a little bit of research on if the movies I like (Monsters Inc., Project X, Paranormal Activity…etc.) are going to have sequels. I found out, they are! According to and some MAJOR sequels will be coming out as early as next month, or as late as 2014. (TRON 3?!) I’m not so sure I’m really excited about all of them, but here is a list of movies that are in talks or production…

Cloud With a Chance of Meatballs: Revenge of the Leftovers (February 2014)
  • What could be better than food falling from the sky? Uhh, nothing!

Ghostbusters III
  • Not a green light yet, but it’s in talks…what I’m wonder is how could they ever out-do the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man?!

Final Destination 5
  • Another movie about death coming after them…and I’m sure they’ll make a sixth one...and a seventh one too

How to Train Your Dragon 2
  • Great movie for kids, it out-did Megamind at the box-office, but I just couldn’t get into the first one, but i guess I’ll give this one a shot..

Iron Man 3
  • Robert Downey Jr., I love you! ‘Nuff said. J

Marvel’s Avengers 2
  • I wasn’t thrilled with the first one, sure there are some good-looking actors, but I did love the Hulk enough that I’ll watch this one.

Madagascar (2015)
  • We get it, the animals want to go home or to Connecticut. Why must Dreamworks continue to drag this on?

Oz The Great and Powerful (2013)

Monster’s University (prequel to Monster’s Inc.)
  • I've always wanted Disney/Pixar to do a second movie of Monster's Inc., but I wanted it to involve at the end of the first movie they show her door and the light above it turns on! When i found out that Disney wasn't going to continue with the same storyline, but instead present how Sulley and Mike met I was a bit upset, however, you can't please everyone!

Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters
  • This is a do! Loved the books, loved the first movie, anticipating this one! Logan Lerman will reprise his role as Percy..uhhh YAY!!

Pirates of the Caribbean 5
  • No. Just. No. Sorry everyone, but this movie series is just getting old. Captain Jack Sparrow is getting old, and Johnny Depp, well he isn’t getting any younger..
Tron 3 (2013)
  • During signings at Disney’s D23 event last week (NOTE: this was in 2011..), a fan asked about his interest in returning for TRON 3 to which Bruce Boxlietner confidently replied:”Oh, it’s already a done deal. It’s already in the works, my friend.”  According to (2011), Tron won't drop until the end of 2013 or early 2014.
And there you have it folks, more sequels to look forward to! Which ones are you looking forward to or are you totally thinking to yourself, "really..?!" Leave it in the comments below!