
Thursday, October 11

Harry Potter=Happiness

it's monday...But never fear, The Random Butter is here! As i'm sitting in school on Pintrest, I came across a "You know your a Harry Potter fan when.." pin and ERMAHGERD, the light bulb in my head turned on! I will make this post about all things Harry Potter (: call me loonier than Luna Lovegood for trying to explain how much I love Harry Potter in one post, but I am going to do this.

You mutter nonsense Latin words under your breath.

You've created more than one Pottermore account because you didn't get into the house you wanted.. (add me on Pottermore! QueenPurple7407)

You call your least favorite teacher Snape.

You actually ask for a broom for Christmas.

You mutter "lumos" under your breath every time you turn on a flashlight.

You sort everyone you meet into the four Hogwarts houses (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin).

You had to go to the hospital after you broke your nose running headfirst into the wall between platforms nine and ten.

The wand order mistake in GoF drove you crazy, and even after it was "corrected" you still came up with dozens of theories to explain why that happened.

You try on every piece of silvery fabric your mom has to see if you turn invisible.

Before getting up to get something, you always try to summon it first. Accio TV remote!

You watched "Love, Actually" because two minor Harry Potter actors were in it.

You refer to your Chemistry class as Potions.

You spend hours tapping bricks in special orders, hoping that a secret entrance to Diagon Alley will appear.

You think that J.K. Rowling is a squib who actually told a real story.

When playing chess, you yell orders to the chess players and get upset when they don't move.

You yell into the "fellytone."

You get emotional every time you hear "Hedwig's Theme".

You say "wicked" all the time because Rupert Grint does.

You started crying when you found they were going to make a HP amusment park  (i'm going next summer!!!!!)

You get thoroughly overexcited every time you see a word somewhere that is distantly linked with HP (ie. Saint Hedwig's).

You name all of your pets after HP characters.

You wished for a flying car

You get into heated arguments over how much gel Tom Felton had in his hair in the first two movies.

You know that Harry's birthday is July 31, 1980, Hermione's birthday is September 19, 1979 and Ron's birthday is March 1, 1980 even though it was never said in the books.

You refer to Voldemort as "You-Know-Who", and no one has any idea who you're talking about.

You wish pictures actually moved

You go to the zoo and try and speak Parseltongue to the snakes

You want to go see where the movie was taped

You think it'd be funny if Sirius' middle name was, "Lee".  (: hahaha

You are amazed when you find out that some colleges have a Quidditch team!

You actually ate the Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans (puke tastes like a cheeseburger FYI!)

You went out and bought the latest editition of the Webster's Dictionary because they added the word "Muggle".

You were kicked out of the movie theater for standing on your chair, throwing your shoe at the screen and yelling "THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN IN THE BOOK!"

You drop everything when a Harry Potter marathon comes on ABC Family and watch it, even if you've seen every movie 10 gajillion times.

You count the days until you're old enough for your Apparation license, and everyone else thinks you're talking about driving.

If you've done/want at least 5 of those things listed, you are definitly a HP fan!

Now, I don't know about you guys, but I bawled my eyes out in the last movie because I realized it was over. No more Dobby, no more Dumbledore, no more charming, magical tales of Harry Potter. ): *However, Harry Potter will forever live on in my life, and I hope when I have kids in 8-10 years that they'll read Harry Potter too like I did. (Blogger's note: I was 4 when Harry Potter came out and it was the first book I ever read)

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