
Monday, October 29

English is Frustrating..

My frustration with the english language is enormous! It's presumed as the hardest language to learn, and to be honest, I don't doubt that. There's pronounciations, spelling, grammar, homophones and other various things that just make English hard to learn. Our language is derived from our ancestors and when you think about it, America is a mixing pot of cultures. Now add language into the mix and voila! The English language. We took words from every culture and, or, nation and made them our own. We have so many rules for words, like "i before e, except after c." This rule doesn't apply to the word weird, which is weird and so messed up. Add slang, "Yo dawg, wazz up?" and you have people running around like chickens witht their heads cut off. Who calls their friends "dogs," and asks "what's up?" in a non-literal sense? Oh, that's right...we Americans do. Ask somebody who isn't a native to this country the same question and you'll get an innocent reply like this, "I'm not a dog, and and the sky is up." (This actually happened to me..) Now, that person may be thinking, "How odd, don't they know any better?" We do, but we just say words to make a sentence shorter and it's called being lazy. We do it when we text, when we email and sometimes people even write like this: "lyk OMG did u see hr eyes? WAJ! She lookz lyk a rakoon!"*
*Words have been changed for added effect. If you can read that, WOW. Leave the original spelling in a comment and you'll get a shoutout in my next post!

With that being said I don't know how people can win a Scripps National Spelling Bee, because there are so many huge words of different origins. (If you're reading this and you've won a spelling bee before, you know what im talking about..) You have to be so focused and dedicated and not to mention, look good in a white polo shirt. (HARD!) When I was younger I won a few spelling bees (3rd grade through 8th grade) and went on to the county spelling bee where I was beat out every year by an older kid or the home-schooled kid. The home-schooled kid was a different duck, but very nice and eventually went on to be in the Scripps National Spelling Bee. He didn't last long because he wasn't used to being in front of that many people and just shut down. The kid was a sweaty, stuttering mess! I know some people get like that, heck I still get nervous before cheering sometimes, but i smile and do it anyways! I guess you just have to take it one step at a time and not concentrate on the mess-ups but instead concentrate on the things you're doing right. Haters should be your motivators and I have no clue where I am going with this post so I'm just going to stop and save you some time. Like I said before, decode the *txt msg* and leave it in a comment and you might just get a shoutout in my next post.!

Later Alligators (:

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