
Tuesday, October 2

Movie Sequels? No or Yes?

Do you ever watch a movie and at the end of the movie you think to yourself, “They have to make a sequel, they just have to!” I know I do and lately I’ve been doing a little bit of research on if the movies I like (Monsters Inc., Project X, Paranormal Activity…etc.) are going to have sequels. I found out, they are! According to and some MAJOR sequels will be coming out as early as next month, or as late as 2014. (TRON 3?!) I’m not so sure I’m really excited about all of them, but here is a list of movies that are in talks or production…

Cloud With a Chance of Meatballs: Revenge of the Leftovers (February 2014)
  • What could be better than food falling from the sky? Uhh, nothing!

Ghostbusters III
  • Not a green light yet, but it’s in talks…what I’m wonder is how could they ever out-do the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man?!

Final Destination 5
  • Another movie about death coming after them…and I’m sure they’ll make a sixth one...and a seventh one too

How to Train Your Dragon 2
  • Great movie for kids, it out-did Megamind at the box-office, but I just couldn’t get into the first one, but i guess I’ll give this one a shot..

Iron Man 3
  • Robert Downey Jr., I love you! ‘Nuff said. J

Marvel’s Avengers 2
  • I wasn’t thrilled with the first one, sure there are some good-looking actors, but I did love the Hulk enough that I’ll watch this one.

Madagascar (2015)
  • We get it, the animals want to go home or to Connecticut. Why must Dreamworks continue to drag this on?

Oz The Great and Powerful (2013)

Monster’s University (prequel to Monster’s Inc.)
  • I've always wanted Disney/Pixar to do a second movie of Monster's Inc., but I wanted it to involve at the end of the first movie they show her door and the light above it turns on! When i found out that Disney wasn't going to continue with the same storyline, but instead present how Sulley and Mike met I was a bit upset, however, you can't please everyone!

Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters
  • This is a do! Loved the books, loved the first movie, anticipating this one! Logan Lerman will reprise his role as Percy..uhhh YAY!!

Pirates of the Caribbean 5
  • No. Just. No. Sorry everyone, but this movie series is just getting old. Captain Jack Sparrow is getting old, and Johnny Depp, well he isn’t getting any younger..
Tron 3 (2013)
  • During signings at Disney’s D23 event last week (NOTE: this was in 2011..), a fan asked about his interest in returning for TRON 3 to which Bruce Boxlietner confidently replied:”Oh, it’s already a done deal. It’s already in the works, my friend.”  According to (2011), Tron won't drop until the end of 2013 or early 2014.
And there you have it folks, more sequels to look forward to! Which ones are you looking forward to or are you totally thinking to yourself, "really..?!" Leave it in the comments below!

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