
Friday, October 5

I don't know what to call this so i'm just going to write a really long pointless title. Still reading the title? Jeez..I told you it was pointless but apparently you find pointless things interesting enough to keep should really stop now.

^^happy friday (:

So yesterday i was on Pintrest (like always!!) and came across this one lady's blog..I started reading and wow!! I am soo hooked! Click here to go to her page.., but she makes some pretty neat stuff so if your into that, check out her definitly won't be sorry! I also saw this leather looking jacket on Pintrest and I really want to buy it..
This is what it looks like, the pintrest link took me to, but low and behold, I can't find it! :(
If anybody could lemme know where I could find this jacket or a similar one, please let me know!! it's super awesome and reminds me of the Hunger Games, which is a whole new post entirely..

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