
Wednesday, November 7

Another Short Post Cause I Don't Have Enough..

Hey guys...

If this seems a little forced, it's because it is. I don't meet the requirements for short posts in my English class, so I have to make them up now because next week is finals week and I really don't want to fail this class. So that's why there's been little itty-bitty posts this week and not a huge one. I'm running out of ideas on what to write about, mostly because I have classmates that have their own topics and I don't want to be like "I'm gonna write about this and steal your topic HAHA!" No that'd be mean because I'd steal their fanbase and I want to be original (don't we all?) Oh, the challenges I face! So sorry if this just clogs up your blogfeed, ignore future posts because i'm sure they won't be 100% awesome, like me! (:

Song of the day: Call Me by shinedown < la-la-loooooove it!!! (:

Happy Wednesday <3

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