
Wednesday, November 21


)':  guess what guys? I was playing Pottermore all day today, and I finally finished Book 2! As I went to move on, the computer wouldn't let me, so I googled. I even made a second account because I thought mine was being funny. I came to find out that Pottermore hasn't even released Book 3 yet because they just finished/released the last chapters of book 2 on HALLOWEEN! :O  So now, I have to wait like a gajillion years before all the dang books are finished. I am having withdrawls...I need to collect some Bertie Botts beans or Galleons or something! Hmm...maybe i'll just have my cousins hide a bunch of jelly beans so I can find them... (:  or maybe i'll start playing on my second account and blog about how to get house points! <----BETTER IDEA! Gosh I'm so smart :D Well, it's suppertime, mom made turkey bean soup (uhh, YUM!) so i'm gonna skedaddle. Later guys!

Add me on Pottermore!!: QueenPurple7407 or ProphecyErised5159


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