
Friday, November 9

My Cat!

Hey guys,

Today I want to talk about my cat. Now I know how odd this sounds, but if you've read my blog before you'll know that I've mentioned her a couple times and I think i'll miss her more than anything when I go off to college!
Her name is Tigger (: She lays with this stuffed polar bear every night..

You may be thinking, "Well why is she better than any other cat?"  Because she's mine, i've raised her and she's suuuuuuper smart! Now when I say raised her I don't mean she was a baby kitten when I found her. I had another cat, Angus, who I got after my mom's friend found him hiding in a car's tailpipe in the dead of winter. He later lost half his tail to frostbite, but he was still a happy cat. Anywho, Angus loved to be outside all the time, except for when he needed to eat or when it was winter. He would only eat canned food and if we didn't have that he would only eat the brown and red pieces from kibble food...he would spit the green ones out and leave them in a nice little pile.

He liked to hunt. For awhile we didnt have any birds come around our yard because he killed all of them as soon as he saw them..and then he'd bring them to me, drop them by my feet and rub up against my legs. Well winter came around, and Angus had started to come and go as he pleased and I couldn't figure out why. He never used to like the snow, but I soon realized why he kept wanting to go out. I went to let Angus in for the night and I saw her, she was sitting in the box, shiverring. She was a skinny thing with crusty looking eyes. She had one pointy ear, the other rounded and I liked her immediately! **We have this entryway with a screendoor that we propped open for Angus in case we forgot to let him back in after letting him out. We had 5 or 6 blankets placed around a middle-sized cardboard box out there with food and water and a heat lamp.  He had made a friend and brought her (Tigger) to come get food. She was a feral cat, who I don't think had ever been touched or fed by a human. Once she saw me she ran out of the entryway and back outside. I started putting more food out incase she came back, and every night the food was gone. I know Angus didn't eat it because I'd let him in and he would go dig into his food inside, leaving the green kibble behind.

Soon she didn't run away when I would feed her and sometimes even let me pet her. (: Eventually she came around and came inside all the time. But even then she stuck by myside like glue at all times and followed me everywhere. To my room, in the kitchen, even when I'd be in the bathroom getting ready in the morning she would be up on the counter, her eyes closed just taking it all in. Just a snuggley little thing. (: She's still that way today.

Angus and her were best friends, they hunted together, played together, and watched tv together. No joke, whenever spongebob came on they ran out to the living room, like actual humans, sat on the top of the couches, just staring at the tv. One day this past April, Angus didn't come home at night. The next morning, still no sign of him. He never came home. Mom thinks somebody took him, and I think he got eaten by a mountain lion or bit by a rattlesnake and died. :( Either way it was still sad! So now it's just Tigger.

People are amazed when they come to my house, see a cat, but don't see a litter box. They always ask, "Don't you have a litterbox?" To which I reply, "Nope. My cat is potty trained!" I wish I had a camera to take a picture of people's faces when I tell them that...haha. Seriously, Tigger is potty-trained. When she needs to go to the bathroom, she goes to the door and meows (she never used to meow, so Caleb taught her how), let her our and give her 5 minutes, after that, open the door and she's sitting there waiting, just like a dog. I can't even begin to descibe my cat in under 700 words. She lays with me and her polar bear everynight, she's potty trained, and she's cute. (: What could be better in a cat? Nothing.

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