
Friday, November 2

Be Aggressive!

Be Aggressive, B-E aggressive B-E  A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E!

Hey guys! So a couple days ago I said I was going to have a post on cheerleading, mostly because there's a lot of misconceptions of what cheerleaders really do. Some people say it's a sport, others think cheerleaders just get in the way of watching the games. What do I think? I am a cheerleader and I think that it is a sport, it may not always be competitive, but there are competitive teams who really do work hard and look great while being tossed into the air. There I just threw it out there. I hate talking about cheerleading in school, well because, I live in Montana and to most it isn't a sport. Everybody in our school thinks the cheerleading is so easy, one time a kid in my class even told me that it's pointless and isn't a sport that's needed. Which really, and I mean really ticked me off! Sure we don't do all the back handsprings, and basket tosses, (see below for an awesome one!) but we try. We try to get the crowd excited and pumped up to help the team win! We have practice, just like any other sport, we break fingers, have sore backs, twisted ankles and other various injuries but we still go on without complaining. *cough*footballboys*cough* (: We can only have 6 varsity cheerleaders, and believe me its a bit hard trying to do huge stunts with only 6 people. People are always telling me, "Why don't you guys do anything like other cheerleaders?" and here I am, trying to explain how its a little difficult trying to put 3 girls in the air and having 3 lift them up, with no spotters. It's dangerous, duh! People are so freaking dumb because then after hearing that, they retort back with "Well, it can't be THAT hard.!" I'd like to see you try lifting a girl who weighs as much as you, without dropping her, and smiling while doing it too. Oh, and by the way, i'd also like to see you try and coach 20-40 little kids a 32 count dance in an hour without one having an accident or crying because they didn't get put in the front row. Oh and could you keep your grades above failing when working 20+ hours a week with practice every night? Probably not. I'd like to see you try, and when you're successful, come back and tell me all about it and i'll serve you a nice slice of humble freakin' pie!!!

Here's a team I found on youtube...WOW! that first ripple had me! DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the rights to this video.

But enough about that, tryouts are approaching and i'm really nervous! (biting fingernails..) I can tumble and I have the ability to be heard, but my arm movements aren't where they need to be and because of that I might get bumped down to junior varsity. :( I'm really trying, but lately it seems like it's not going anywhere. Plus I think i'm getting nervous because basketball season starts in 3 weeks and we don't have a cheer squad put together, haven't ordered uniforms or shoes, plus some of the new girls don't know any cheers. The next few weeks are going to be timed so tightly! Here's an awesome warmup I made on

here's the front..with my name on it (:

Here's a picture of the back, blogger won't let me add a caption. :( Isn't it sorta cute?! I think so, but maybe that's just because I personalized it? Ahh, who cares it's not like we're really going to wear them. Well that's it, class is almost over so i'm going to leave you with a hint to next weeks blog...What's goes gobble gobble and gets eaten on the 3rd Thursday in November every year?
Have a great day guys!
*November 7, 2012
The Billings Gazette: New Recognition, Local Support for treating athletes as cheerleaders
Here's the link here:

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