
Thursday, November 8


So, I never usually read the paper, mostly because I never know where to look for one, but today my English teacher had one sitting on the podium and I grabbed it, snatched that sucker up because you know me, I love knowledge! (: Anyways, I'm glad I did because I got to the health section and WALLAH! An article about starting to treat cheerleaders as athletes! I know what you might be thinking, "Obsessed much?" Uh YES!

Here's me..with the paper (:
The lady who wrote the article talked about how dangerous cheering is and that because of that matter it should be considered an MHSA sport and I agree 100%! My life has been made...thank you Billings Gazette! Click Here to view the original article featured in the Billings Gazette.

<3 Samantha

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